24. The Butterflies / Butterflies(胡蝶)
“Lover of Autumn, whom best it pleases that pine-crickets should chirp amid the withered grass, forgive the butterflies that trespass from my garden of flowers.”
A poem sent from Lady Murasaki to Akikonomu.
Genji's mansion is huge. Divided into 4 areas(spring, summer, autumn ,winter).Lady Murasaki lived in spring, Falling Flowers in summer, Akikonomu in autumn, and Akashi in winter. In the garden, flowers of the four seasons bloomed.
Genji throws a spring party. Dragon boat sails the pond and Children dress up in butterfly costumes. In the party, Genji'brother(Prince Sochi) asks Genji to mediate with Tamakazura.
Tamakazura receives many letters of marriage proposal from the royal family and aristocrats. Genji also confides his feelings for Tamakazura. Tamakazura is perplexed by her adoptive father's confession.
Tamakazura had an unfortunate upbringing. But she is now the envy of many. Genji became her patron and many nobles proposed to her.But she doesn't look too happy.She is perplexed by the change in environment.