54Chapeters of
The Tale of Genji

It is written by Murasaki Shikibu(Lady Murasaki) in the 11th century.I will introduce 54Chapters and Related Arts and Crafts.

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27. The Flares / Flares(篝火)

『源氏物語絵色紙帖 篝火 詞青蓮院尊純』(京都国立博物館所蔵)「ColBase」収録(https://jpsearch.go.jp/item/cobas-5821)


"They burn, these flares and my heart, and send off smoke. The smoke from my heart refuses to be dispersed."

A poem sent by Genji to Tamakazura.Translation of the Seidensticker.

In The Tale of Genji, there are many poems that use complicated metaphors. But this poem expresses his passion directly.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art,Scenes from The Tale of Genji,Tosa School,early 17th century


In autumn, Genji and Tamakazura are talking about her real father(the minister). At night, a flare lights up in their garden. Genji expresses his feelings in poetry.

Before long, the minister's son comes to Genji's mansion and plays the koto.

The Harvard Art Museums,The Cressets (Kagaribi), Illustration to Chapter 27 of the Tale of Genji (Genji monogatari),Tosa Mitsunobu,Muromachi period


"10 chapters of Tamakazura(chapter22-31)" describe the scenery and events of the four seasons."Butterflies" is spring,"Glow-Worm" is summer, and This Chapter is Autumn.There is a pleasure to catch a glimpse of the life of the nobility.


I live in Kyoto.Introduce Japanese literature with the help of Google Translate.please excuse my english.


  1. 1. Kiritsubo / The Paulownia Court(桐壺)
  2. 2. The Broom-Tree / The Broom Tree(帚木)
  3. 3. Utsusemi / The Shell of the Locust(空蝉)
  4. 4. Yugao / Evening Faces(夕顔)
  5. 5. Murasaki / Lavender(若紫)
  6. 6. The Saffron-Flower / The Safflower(末摘花)
  7. 7. The Festival of Red Leaves / An Autumn Excursion(紅葉賀)
  8. 8. The Flower Feast / The Festival of the Cherry Blossoms(花宴)
  9. 9. Aoi / Heartvine(葵)
  10. 10. The Sacred Tree / The Sacred Tree(賢木)
  11. 11. The Village of Falling Flowers / The Orange Blossoms(花散里)
  12. 12. Exile at Suma / Suma(須磨)
  13. 13. Akashi / Akashi(明石)
  14. 14. The Flood Gauge / Channel Buoys(澪標)
  15. 15. The Palace in the Tangled Woods / The Wormwood Patch(蓬生)
  16. 16. A Meeting at the Frontier / The Gatehouse(関屋)
  17. 17. The Picture Competition / A Picture Contest(絵合)
  18. 18. The Wind in the Pine-Trees / The Wind in the Pines(松風)
  19. 19. A Wreath of Cloud / A Rack of Cloud(薄雲)
  20. 20. Asagao / The Morning Glory(朝顔)
  21. 21. The Maiden / The Maiden(少女)
  22. 22. Tamakatsura / The Jeweled Chaplet(玉鬘)
  23. 23. The First Song of the Year / The First Warbler(初音)
  24. 24. The Butterflies / Butterflies(胡蝶)
  25. 25. The Glow-Worm / Fireflies(蛍)
  26. 26. A Bed of Carnations / Wild Carnations(常夏)
  27. 27. The Flares / Flares(篝火)
  28. 28. The Typhoon / The Typhoon(野分)
  29. 29. The Royal Visit / The Royal Outing(行幸)
  30. 30. Blue Trousers / Purple Trousers(藤袴)
  31. 31. Makibashira / The Cypress Pillar(真木柱)
  32. 32. The Spray of Plum-Blossoms / A Branch of Plum(梅枝)
  33. 33. Fuji No Uraba / Wisteria Leaves(藤裏葉)
  34. 34. Wakana, Part I / New Herbs: Part One(若菜上)
  35. 35. Wakana, Part II / New Herbs: Part Two(若菜下)
  36. 36. Kashiwagi / The Oak Tree(柏木)
  37. 37. The Flute / The Flute(横笛)
  38. 38. (no title)/ The Bell Cricket(鈴虫)
  39. 39. Yugiri / Evening Mist(夕霧)
  40. 40. The Law / The Rites(御法)
  41. 41. Mirage / The Wizard(幻)
  42. Kumogakure / Vanished into the Clouds(雲隠)
  43. 42. Niou / His Perfumed Highness(匂宮)
  44. 43. Kobai / The Rose Plum(紅梅)
  45. 44. Bamboo River / Bamboo River(竹河)
  46. 45. The Bridge Maiden / The Lady at the Bridge(橋姫)
  47. 46. At the foot of the Oak-Tree / Beneath the Oak(椎本)
  48. 47. Agemaki / Trefoil Knots(総角)
  49. 48. Fern-Shoots / Early Ferns(早蕨)
  50. 49. The Mistletoe / The Ivy(宿木)
  51. 50. The Eastern House / The Eastern Cottage(東屋)
  52. 51. Ukifune / A Boat upon the Waters(浮舟)
  53. 52. The Gossamer-Fly / The Drake Fly(蜻蛉)
  54. 53. Writing-Practice / At Writing Practice(手習)
  55. 54. The Bridge of Dreams / The Floating Bridge of Dreams(夢浮橋)