26. A Bed of Carnations / Wild Carnations(常夏)

“How heavy and sleepy one has felt lately!” exclaimed Genji. “This is certainly a great improvement.” Wine was brought; but he sent for iced water as well.
On a hot day, Genji treats his son's friend to ice. It was stored in mountain during the winter and cut and transported in the summer. Ice was a valuable commodity in those days.

Summer, Genji, his son, and his son's friends cool off. Their topic is a girl recognized by the minister(Omi).She lacks manners and education, in contrast to Tamakazura.
The minister entrusts Omi to his eldest daughter.

A new comedy relief, Omi, appears. She has no manners, uneducated, and restless. Bad example for ladies.
There was such a girl in my classroom when I was a child. how about you?