29. The Royal Visit / The Royal Outing(行幸)
it was of course towards the open window of the Emperor’s Palanquin that she at once turned a fascinated gaze. Clad in a bright scarlet cloak, he sat motionless, not for an instant turning his young face to right or left. Never in her life had she seen so many handsome faces and fine clothes; but the Emperor could hold his own.
Tamakazura is fascinated by the beautiful emperor. After that, she receives a letter from Genji recommending that she work at the imperial court. As if he could read her thoughts.
The Emperor visits Ohara-no field. Tamakazura accompanies the emperor.
Tamakazura's wear mourning ceremony approaches. Genji names the minister as the guardian of the ceremony and confides that Tamakazura is the minister's daughter. The minister undertakes the Tamakazura ceremony.
Wear mourning is a coming-of-age ceremony for women. On this occasion, Genji confesses to the minister that Tamakazura is the minister's daughter.Tamakazura is distressed by the change in circumstances.